Two Interactive Outdoor Classrooms Installed in Maroubra

Do you have curious children who love to learn about how things work? Then take them to the new interactive outdoor classrooms in Maroubra to understand how Randwick City’s biggest stormwater harvest and reuse system works!

The Council has recently installed two interactive sites near Maroubra beach’s playground and at the Mahon Pool that will teach the children how the tanks for collecting rainwater, built under Arthur Byrne Reserve in the last 10 months, is being used to hydrate public parks and gardens and supply water in some parts of the city. 

The kids will enjoy knowing how much water is saved in the two one-million litre tanks on the ground, which will continually keep the grasses and trees around the suburb lush and green. 

The interactive outdoor classrooms were officially unveiled at the end of March 2021 with some school children from the nearby St Mary St Joseph Catholic School. 

Photo Credit: Randwick City Council

Meanwhile, the South Maroubra SLSC also tested the new Arthur Byrne Reserve sprinkler system at the clubhouse grounds and it works efficiently

Photo Credit: Facebook

The Arthur Byrne Reserve is Randwick City Council’s 14th stormwater harvesting system. Construction commenced in mid-2020 and took at least three stages to complete. The project al has an automatic irrigation system that will provide water for the toilets and amenities, including potable water, found in these public places:

  • Arthur Byrne Reserve
  • Broadarrow Reserve
  • Jack Vanny Reserve
  • Maroubra Beach
  • John Shore Reserve
  • Murranborah Reserve