Four School Pedestrian Crossing Upgrades in Maroubra Completed

Four school pedestrian crossing upgrades in Maroubra have been completed. The upgrades include raising two existing pedestrian crossings, installation of pedestrian refuge in two areas, and even a wombat crossing.

The upgrades involve converting pedestrian crossings into raised “wombat” crossings, installing pedestrian refuge islands, and installing signalised intersections at an accident blackspot location on Anzac Parade.

The various pedestrian crossing safety projects, funded under the Federal Stimulus Road Safety Program School Zones project, are situated in 29 locations near local school areas.

In Maroubra, four projects were already completed:

  • Loch Maree Street, Maroubra – Raise existing crossing
  • Fitzgerald Avenue (at Robey Street), Maroubra – Install pedestrian refuge
  • Fitzgerald Avenue (at Walsh Street), Maroubra – Install pedestrian refuge
  • Moverly Road, Maroubra – Raise existing pedestrian crossing, create wombat crossing

The pedestrian crossing safety project on Wride Street (at Duncan Street), Maroubra involving the installation of pedestrian refuge is now in its design phase.

Did you know that a study on raised platforms published in the Journal of the Australian College of Road Safety revealed that “wombat” crossings reduce casualty crashes by as much as 63 per cent? 

Raised “wombat” crossings are zebra crossings placed on a raised section of the road to allow better visibility of pedestrians and encourage approaching vehicles to reduce speed. The same principle applies to raised pedestrian crossings.

A refuge island, on the other hand, is a median with a refuge section installed to help pedestrians determine when it is already safe to cross the road.

The list of Council’s school pedestrian crossings upgrade projects and their status are as follows:

StatusSchool areaLocation and project
CompletedClovelly Public School / St Anthony’s Catholic Primary SchoolVarna Street (at Arden Street), Clovelly – Install pedestrian refuge
CompletedCoogee Boy’s Preparatory School / Randwick Coogee Preschool / Randwick Public SchoolBotany Street (at Waratah Avenue), Randwick – Upgrade existing pedestrian refuge
CompletedCoogee Public SchoolHoward Street (near Lee Street), Coogee – Install pedestrian refuge
CompletedCoogee Public School / Rainbow Public School / Randwick Boy’s High School / Randwick Girl’s High SchoolOberon Street & Higgs Street, Coogee – Install pedestrian refuge
CompletedEmanuel School / St Margaret Mary’s Catholic Primary SchoolKing Street, Randwick- Install pedestrian refuge near Montifiore Randwick (Head Office)
CompletedKensington Public SchoolBowral Street (near Doncaster Avenue), Kensington – Raise existing crossing
CompletedKensington Public SchoolBowral Street, (near ANZAC Parade), Kensington – Raise existing crossing
CompletedMaroubra Junction Public SchoolLoch Maree Street, Maroubra – Raise existing crossing
CompletedOur Lady of the Annunciation Primary School / South Sydney High School / Champagnat Catholic CollegeSturt Street (west of Paton Street), Kingsford – Install raised pedestrian (wombat) crossing
CompletedOur Lady of the Annunciation Primary School / South Sydney High School / Champagnat Catholic CollegeFitzgerald Avenue (at Robey Street), Maroubra – Install pedestrian refuge
CompletedOur Lady of the Annunciation Primary School / South Sydney High School / Champagnat Catholic CollegeFitzgerald Avenue (at Walsh Street), Maroubra – Install pedestrian refuge
CompletedOur Lady of the Rosary Primary School and Our Lady of the Rose CollegeVilliers Street (at Addison Street), Kensington – Install pedestrian refuge
CompletedRandwick Girls’ High School/ Randwick Boys’ High SchoolBarker Street West of Easy Street – Pedestrian Refuge
CompletedRandwick Primary School, Coogee Preparatory Primary SchoolChurch Street (at Frances Street), Randwick – Install pedestrian refuge
CompletedSouth Coogee Public SchoolRainbow Street (at Hendy Avenue), Coogee – Install pedestrian refuge
CompletedSt Anthony’s Catholic Primary SchoolArden Street, Clovelly – Raise existing crossing
CompletedSt Anthony’s Catholic Primary SchoolClovelly Road (at Knox Street), Clovelly – Install pedestrian refuge and kerb nibs
CompletedSt Anthony’s Primary SchoolArden Street (north of Clovelly Road), Clovelly – Raise existing pedestrian crossing, create wombat crossing
CompletedSt Bridgid’s Catholic Primary SchoolArden St & Bream St , Coogee – Pedestrian Refuge
CompletedSt Margaret Mary’s Catholic Primary SchoolAvoca Street, Randwick – Raise existing crossing
CompletedThe French School (Lycée Condorcet)Moverly Road, Maroubra – Raise existing pedestrian crossing, create wombat crossing
Construction PhaseBrigidine College and Claremont Primary SchoolPerouse Road (at Aeolia Street), Randwick – Raise existing pedestrian crossing, create wombat crossing
Construction PhaseSt Margaret Mary’s Catholic Primary School / Emanuel SchoolCarter Street (at Avoca Street), Randwick – Install continuous foot
Construction PhaseSt Margaret Mary’s Catholic Primary School / Emanuel School / Randwick Primary SchoolClovelly Road (at Centennial Avenue), Randwick – Install pedestrian refuge
Design PhaseCoogee Public SchoolBream Street (at Mount Street), Coogee – Install pedestrian refuge
Design PhaseEmanuel SchoolChepstow Street (at Stanley Street), Coogee – Install pedestrian refuge
Design PhaseMatraville Sports High SchoolAnzac Pde at Franklin Street (southern intersections), Matraville – Signalise multi-carriageway intersection
Design PhaseOur Lady of the Sacred Heart PrimaryDutruc Street (at Alison Road), Randwick – Install pedestrian refuge
Design PhaseSouth Coogee Public SchoolRainbow Street (at Ellen Street), Coogee – Install pedestrian refuge
Design PhaseSt Margaret Mary’s Catholic Primary School / Emanuel School / Randwick Public SchoolGilderthorpe Avenue (at Frenchmans Road), Randwick – Install pedestrian refuge
Design PhaseSt Mary, St Joseph Catholic Primary School / Maroubra Public SchoolWride Street (at Duncan Street), Maroubra – Install pedestrian refuge

Source: Randwick City Council

The $4.365-million project is made possible through a grant awarded to Randwick City Council under the Federal Stimulus Road Safety Program School Zones project. The Australian Government committed a total of $3 billion for the Road Safety Program over three years from 2021 to 2021 and is offered to states and territories to help fast track their lifesaving road safety upgrade projects.

The program is being offered under a “use it or lose it” scheme where states and territories are to use their funding within each six-month tranche for them to receive the full allocation for their next tranche.