Have Your Say on the Proposed Woomera Reserve Playground Upgrade

Local families are invited to have their say on the proposed upgrading of the Woomera Reserve playground on Bunnerong Road in Little Bay.

Located in the southeast corner of Woomera Reserve in Little Bay, the Playground offers a range of play equipment for children of all ages with a concrete bike path for kids who are learning to ride a bike or scooter.

Last upgraded in 2005, the play area will see several improvements including new play equipment, soft fall, and seating to encourage families to visit and enjoy the park.

A new path connecting Esperance Close with the playground will also be built to allow for easier access to the park facilities. Access to the site is currently provided via Noora Avenue and Nurla Avenue.

Community feedback is welcome up to 27 November 2022.

Ideas gathered from this community consultation will be used to develop a concept plan for the upgrade that will be exhibited for further community feedback slated in early 2023.

“Council aims to maintain a very high community satisfaction rating for our open spaces, coastal walkways and playgrounds.” – Randwick City Council

The project is just one of the many undertakings that will be introduced over the coming years as part of the Council’s response to the community’s request for play spaces in the city to be upgraded and add more exciting and adventurous equipment that can accommodate a range of ages and abilities.

To have your say on the proposed project, you may take the survey, use the ideas board, or send your comments to the General Manager headed “Woomera Reserve Playground Upgrade” to council@randwick.nsw.gov.au or 30 Frances Street, Randwick 2031.

Woomera_Reserve Playground | 1103-1281R Bunnerong Rd, Little Bay NSW 2036, Australia

Plans Released for the Coral Sea Park Playground Upgrade in Maroubra

Plans for the Coral Sea Park playground upgrade in Maroubra are now under public exhibit. The playground designs were done with inputs from the Maroubra United Soccer Club, as well as various local and school clubs that use the greenfield.

In January 2021, Randwick City Council asked for contributions about the planned upgrades with most suggestions leaning towards the reconfiguration of the existing layout, as well as the construction of a new playing field, which should boost playing hours to more than 2,000 hours a year. 

Photo Credit: RCC

Per the Council, the Coral Sea Park playground upgrade will include the following changes and additions: 

  • New state-of-the-art synthetic sports field to allow for an additional 2,000 hours of play, with mini-field markings for juniors and able to be played on all year round.
  • Redesign of the overall park to allow for larger fields to enhance the player experience and meet Football NSW Guidelines.
  • Upgrading lights to allow for safer play and additional spaces to be floodlit in winter.
  • New cricket nets, moved to a new location.
  • Existing half basketball courts will be unaffected and remain in their current location.

Maroubra locals and those who use the facility are enjoined to submit their inputs to the plans by filling out the online survey, which will close on 29 Sept. 2021. Council staff members will review the community feedback before any changes have to begin. 

Photo Credit: RCC

Coral Sea Park was dedicated to the war heroes of the battle fought in the Coral Seal in May 1942. It is set amidst a quiet residential area minutes away from the beaches. It’s a popular site for rugby, soccer, and cricket players, as well as kids who love to play outdoors in the playground. A section of the park is for off-leash dog exercises.