As temperatures rise across New South Wales, residents of Maroubra and other suburbs are urged to remain vigilant as magpies enter their annual swooping season.

With over 1900 magpie swoops and 242 injuries reported statewide this year, experts remind the public that these protective parents are simply defending their nests.
According to data from Magpie Alert!, a website that tracks magpie attacks, The Ponds in western Sydney currently holds the dubious honour of “most swooped suburb”, with attacks occurring across 13 streets.

Baulkham Hills and Dubbo follow closely behind, with 11 streets known for aggressive magpies. While Maroubra may not top the list this year, residents are still advised to exercise caution, especially when walking alone.
WIRES, an Australian wildlife rescue organisation, emphasises that magpies swoop out of a sense of parental duty, not aggression. They see passersby as potential threats to their chicks and act instinctually to protect their young.
Tips To Stay Safe During Magpie Season
Be aware of your surroundings: Listen for the distinctive calls of nesting magpies.
Travel in groups: Magpies are more likely to target individuals.
Protect your head: Wear a hat, sunglasses, and consider using an umbrella. Cyclists should wear helmets and sunglasses.
Stay calm: Avoid running or sudden movements, which may be perceived as a threat.
Know your enemy: Familiarise yourself with known magpie nesting areas in your suburb.
Remember, harming or killing magpies is illegal in NSW. By understanding their behaviour and taking simple precautions, we can all coexist peacefully with these native birds.
Published Date 27-September-2024