Malabar Ocean Pool Amenities Building Development Up for Consideration

Malabar Ocean Pool
Photo Credit: Theresia Hall/Google Maps

The Malabar Ocean Pool could get a brand new amenities building after overwhelming support from the public to proceed with the development.

In a survey conducted by Randwick City Council, 70 percent of the residents agreed that the ocean pool must have its very own amenities building whilst 24 percent said that a structure might unnecessarily ruin the site’s character. 

There are currently no toilets near the Malabar Ocean Pool and locals have to use the amenities at the Cromwell Park some 700 metres away. 

The Malabar Ocean Pool has been around since the 1890s. In the 1970s, the Council, along with the Sydney Water and NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, closed the site due to pollution. Following an extensive restoration, the ocean pool was ready for public use again in 1997 but it was still without the needed amenities.

Photo Credit: Asif Zaveri/Google Maps

Because of its popularity with the locals, especially in the summer months, the Malabar Ocean Pool usually accommodates a large number of visitors. The precinct committee has approached the Council to build toilet facilities around the site, while a probe into a potential location was conducted in 2019. 

Locals said that the car park area could be an ideal space for the amenities building, which must also include outdoor showers, changing rooms, drinking fountains and disabled access. 

Following the result of the public consultation, the Council will now consider allocating funds to develop detailed plans in its 2021-22 budget.  

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