Work at Overflow Car Park in South Maroubra’s Arthur Byrne Reserve Begins

The first stage of the upgrades to the overflow car park at the Arthur Byrne Reserve has begun. Per Council’s advice, areas within this South Maroubra site will be temporarily blocked off while improvements are underway.

Stage 1 will entail the following scope and work is expected to last until the middle of January 2021:

  • Resurfacing of the existing overflow car park area
  • Planting of new trees
  • Provision of new accessible car spaces
  • Upgrade of existing line marking
  • Additional car parking along Bernie Kelly Drive

Council, however, assures that the car park’s completion will be fast-tracked as visitors to the Arthur Byrne Reserve are expected to increase with the summer months rolling in. 

The reserver is an ideal picnic, BBQ and activity site for walking, jogging, ball sports and even kite flying. 

Once completed, upgrades to the amenities building will follow, pending the approval of the development application, which will be filed in January 2021.

“The popularity of the area has prompted the need for additional amenities to service the park and beach users, as well as the coastal walk users and the adjoining surf club,” Council stated. 

Photo Credit: Randwick City Council

Stage 2 will cover the following scope of works:

  • Male and female amenities including toilets, showers, baby change areas and bench seating
  • Accessible amenities
  • A well-ventilated communal wash area
  • Storage areas for the local surf lifesaving club, Surfing NSW and lifeguards
  • External bench seating
  • Improved landscaping and pedestrian connections

For questions, comments and other enquiries about these upgrades, contact the project managers Zaman Shamsuz (car park) and Peter Petro (amenities) at 02 9093 6763 and 02 9093 6000, respectively.